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Paint stripping

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Aluminum alloy anode film
Paint stripping, deinking

CWF-510 paint remover

Paint stripping, deinking

1. Contains specific active substances, which can quickly penetrate into a variety of paint films, reduce the bonding force between the coating and the substrate, so that the coating peels off and finishes the paint stripping.

2. Add the latest corrosion inhibitors from abroad, suitable for aluminum alloy, zinc alloy, copper alloy and stainless steel. It can effectively protect the substrate while removing paint and avoid excessive corrosion of the workpiece.

3. The environmentally-friendly paint stripper can be immersed and spray-type stripper, which can remove various self-drying paints, baking varnishes, electrophoretic paints, powder coatings, UV paints and other coatings on the alloy substrate.

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Process parameters:

Applicable ratio: use of stock solution

Use temperature: 80-85 ° C, appropriate temperature increase can accelerate the paint stripping process.

Paint stripping time: 10-30 minutes

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